जलवायु परिवर्तन र संयुक्त राष्ट्र फ्रेमवर्क कन्भेन्सन (कोप–२८)

  Sampatti News Online

June 9, 2023

पानी आपूर्तिमा हिमालयको योगदान विरलै अध्ययन गरिएको छ।
जलवायु परिवर्तन र सोको असरका सम्बन्धमा Nahid Muniza को एक आलेख तल प्रस्तुत गरिएको छ :

The Third Pole and COP-28

The Hindu Kush-Himalayan Region and Tibetan Plateau are often referred to as the Earth’s “Third Pole” as they contain the greatest number of glaciers outside of Polar Regions. They are also referred to as the “Water Tower of Asia” because this area is the 3rd largest reservoir of snow and ice on the globe after the Arctic and Antarctica. It supplies water to 25% of Earth’s population.
Retreating glaciers and snowpack loss threaten high-altitude communities that rely upon seasonal melt for domestic water resources. But the extent to which such communities are vulnerable is not yet understood, largely because melt contribution to water supplies is rarely quantified at the catchment scale.
Nepal is a highly glaciated catchment with elevations ranging from 2,000 to 8,848 m above sea level, where more than 80% of annual precipitation falls during the summer monsoon from June to September.
Different researcher’s concludes that in the Khumbu Valley, up to two-thirds of water comes from glacial and snow melt during the dry season. This indicates that communities there are especially vulnerable to the retreat and eventual disappearance of glaciers and permanent snow fields in response to continued warming trends.
This prediction based on climate change before they occur, and to measure how the contribution of melt water to domestic water resources will change the high-altitude Nepali communities to be better prepared.
Retreating glaciers and snowpack loss threaten high altitude communities that rely upon seasonal melt for climatic water resources, The extent to which the communities are vulnerable is still to be known because melting Himalaya’s contribution to water supplies is rarely studied.
COP27 decision taken in Sharmel-Sheikh , closed with the agreement to provide loss and damage funding for vulnerable countries like Nepal. The catastrophic effects of the climate change in the Himalayan region will be worst resulting in floods, droughts and other climatic disasters.
Countries successfully negotiated a long-sought agreement to establish a suite of funding arrangements, including a new “loss and damage” facility to help compensate developing economies suffering from the devastating effects of climate change.
The universal participation in the 28th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 28) to the UNFCCC will convene from 30 November to 12 December 2023. It will take place in the United Arab Emirates. The transparent framework, clear understanding of climate change actions, helping countries like Nepal to obtain benefits of global effects towards a common goal.

Nahid Muniza

प्रकाशित मिति:June 9, 2023